Honda Unicorn Cafe Racer

Honda Unicorn Cafe Racer. Many would not recognise traces of the stock unicorn because the changes have been in aplenty. Also cafe racers have a forward seating position which consider as a highly stylized in segment! It is not just seen on the fuel.

Honda Unicorn Cafe Racer Photos
Tom Laws' CB 836 - Inazuma café racer

It's one of those machines built for… Prodigy customs took four months to build this classic café racer. 8,645 likes · 12 talking about this.

Gallery of Honda Unicorn Cafe Racer

When emanuel builds a bike he does it right. They made it look, perform and sound even better and now call it the honda cb 750 cafe racer. Eimor customs in pune, stripped down a 150cc honda a cafe racer built using a 150cc honda unicorn. Discover the parts, seats and performance upgrades.